
In details

A1 - My school. Information about our schools, activities, teachers, subjects, geography, everything what is important and unique for our region. Illustrated by some pictures of school and photos. Final product posters.

A2 – Tourist guide. Information about our countries, presenting interesting places, historical and geographical. Final product powerpoint presentation / bulletin.

A3 – Rainbow. We explain the characteristic features of different colors (present in rainbow too). And we lead children to match colors to materials suitable for recycling and separation like: yellow – plastic, blue - paper, red – tetrapacks, green – biowaste and so on. We set rules for using it in school as well we teach them to recycle and separate at home too. We call this “rainbow activity” so our classes and other rooms will look like rainbows, students will learn to recognize basic types of waste and they be aware how important is to separate things.

A4 – Land art. We introduce students the notions such as Land art, Environmental art, Eco-art (we explain them who are representatives of such artistic movements in Europe, then we showed them some typical paintings and we introduce the main idea of such art to them, further we explain the principles, definition and forms). Students will create their own pictures, drawings, paintings and there will be held exhibition at school.

A5 – Olympic games.We make a sport day for all students to make them aware that sport is important in our daily life. Important thing is not only win a game but take part in it and enjoy it.

A6 – Paper pyramid. The main aim is to make students aware about the importance of paper in our society and its recycling process. To teach them how paper can be recycled. They will collect it by each class. In the end it will be counted the total weight from all classes at school and the numbers will be put in the chart. They will play with numbers in order to create imaginary pyramid of certain size.

A7 – Battery collecting. To explain the importance of batteries in our life as well as the fact how harmful they are to our environment. Students will be able to bring dead batteries to school, collect and store them in some boxes.

A8 – Happy Eater. This activity will create a book of healthy food. We collect recipes from each country and make one complete publication. The food must be light, easy to prepare, made of vegetables, fruits, pasta and other healthy ingredients. Students will have the possibility to learn by themselves to use their skills to prepare food.

A9 – Fish in the water. The main point of this activity will be to find out more about the pollution of this region – in sea, river or lake and what is its effect on fish and environment, and how we and our society can improve it. The students will try to find some ways and to learn how they can solve it or draw public attention.

A10 – Superhero in action. First we discuss and share our environmental problems – like water pollution, abandon dogs on the street, deforestation, noisy traffic, or illegal dumping site. We organize something like small discussion pannels. We exchange the experiences and maybe we learn from that. But as we know sometimes we cannot solve these difficult problems in our environment so that’s why we take a role of superhero. The students will be active, interacting with local authorities, media, trying to solve it, or at least, to draw attention of public. They will act.

A11 – Spring celebration. An event - open air activity.



  • ZS Družstevná pri Hornáde - Projekt Erasmus
    Hlavna 5, 044 31
    Druzsteva pri Hornade
  • +421556981013, +421557288469
