About project


“Spring Celebration” – Environmental project

The project is predominantly aimed at environmental activities so we want to emphasize the importance of environmental education as well as to make students aware of environmental issues, healthy life, sport and protecting the nature. One of the main objectives will be to work out the pedagogical document which will include detailed steps how to teach environmental education (give some lessons), by using various activities as well as by using other subjects (non environmental) for reaching this objective. But the most important objective of all will be to activate and engage all students into this process, to teach them how to be ecological, how to care about our environment, how to treat with nature, how to look at our planet and its resources, how to create better world to live in. This project will be targeted to all students as well as to their teachers, and in the last stage of the partnership it will grow out the border of our schools, so even parents, nearby citizens and local authorities will be part of the process as each school will organize “Spring Celebration (Festival)” - an open day activity for all mentioned participants. We need to keep this project on international level too, so we can share the knowledge among us, and enrich our understanding, all countries come from different regions (different countries) with different environmental problems and issues. We should not think and care only of our own living space, in narrow sense, but we should think in European dimensions, so another very important objective will be present in the project – cooperation, and thus, respecting the cultural and social dissimilarities.

Today, environmental education is not common or compulsory subject in the frame of European learning, so we want to bring some new ideas and innovative ways into this field. We have decided to use “non formal education” methods into some activities, so we want to strengthen students spirit in their learning process. By non formal education students get more deeply into this problematic and they have possibility to experience it more closely, so they will learn new things by doing and experiencing these things themselves. They will get more practise, too. Non formal learning is getting more popular in today educational system and it can successfully be positive contribution into the partnership.

We want to make this project more attractive and interesting for students by using CLIL methodology into environmental activities. According to the principle of CLIL (content and language integrated learning) we will use other subjects (such as Maths, Art, ICT, Music, Geography, History, English, Citizenship) into environmental activities to reach our goals. Some pupils may not be interested in environmental issues, but by using their favourite subjects, they can be more enthusiastic to be involved in these tasks which will be  carried out throughout the whole partnership.

We suppose that project should cooperate with parents too, so we prepared an open air activity for parents and other people too, where students will present and give information about environment and ecology, so we suppose that the project will be innovative when we combine these two aspects.



  • ZS Družstevná pri Hornáde - Projekt Erasmus
    Hlavna 5, 044 31
    Druzsteva pri Hornade
  • +421556981013, +421557288469

